A surprise Carbonnade de Boeuf

A surprise Carbonnade de Boeuf

Thursday last while Meg was airborne to Mumbai I caught a ride on the tailwind of her flight, to England. Meg’s trip is a long anticipated retreat in Pune in India with Frances Murchison of Mindfully Fed, and also a spice information gathering mission. My …read more

Leek and Wild Mushroom Bread Pudding

Leek and Wild Mushroom Bread Pudding

Some months ago our friend Susan Kelsey, the city’s Economic Development Coordinator who started the incubator program in Lake Forest, knowing that we were trying hard to emulsify our zen spice and blog concepts, urged us to ‘get moving” on our product in time for the Lake …read more

The Set Table: The Art of Small Gatherings

The Set Table: The Art of Small Gatherings

It’s the end of July, and in Chicago we’re in the unseasonably cool and wet aftermath of a brief heatwave. So it’s with consummate timing that as our month of celebratory posts closes, we can feature the work of my great friend Charlotte Bland in London. …read more

Spiced Pomegranate Mulled Wine

Spiced Pomegranate Mulled Wine

After a long day I walked through my front door yesterday evening to a welcoming and seasonal smell: the mulling of wine.  We’re branching out. The new recipe made it’s intoxicating debut in our new little red 2 quart Crock Pot, rather than the 6 …read more

Slow Cooker Leek, Mushroom & Walnut Stuffing for Thanksgiving holiday

Slow Cooker Leek, Mushroom & Walnut Stuffing for Thanksgiving holiday

Thanksgiving illuminates some of the things we are appreciative of. Aside from the obvious, one of the unexpected surprises which I’m personally thankful for and which has consumed me this year is being propelled into a working partnership and friendship with Meg.