
Last month, Steve and I hopped in our Jeep and headed west to Montana.  My father was from Billings, and our family went there frequently when I was a child, but I hadn’t been back in a few years.

Like many of you, I wanted a change of scenery before the weather turned cool.  Plus, I wanted to try fly-fishing (which was a success, but that is a different story.)

Toward the end of the trip we stayed in the Badlands, did some hiking, and came across this gorgeous buffalo.  

In my family the buffalo is a favorite animal.   When my boys were little we spent a lot of time out West, and when we came across a buffalo we were always struck by their soulful eyes, immense presence and quiet reserve. As I learned more about them, and their role in Indian folklore, I came to admire how they approached adversity.  When a storm is on the horizon a herd of buffalo don’t scatter or mill around, they huddle together, forming a protective enclosure around their babies, lower their massive heads, and together they slowly walk into and through the oncoming storm. 

With many of us feeling the effects of instability on our families, health, and country, I wanted to share a prayer that has helped me navigate the many storms in my life.  I expect many of you are familiar with it, but I share it as it seems particularly pertinent to these times.  This is the original prayer penned by Richard Niebuhr in 1932.

 “Father, give us courage to change what must be altered,  serenity to accept what cannot be helped,  and the insight to know the one from the other.

On that note, stay well and huddled with your loved ones.  We look forward to sharing recipes throughout the month that will help you enjoy the coming season of Thanksgiving.

Zen Moment

We don’t develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.

-Barbara De Angelis